Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What are they watching?!

So, my sweet friend Melanie considered the things our kids were watching..I have pondered such things many times as I have watched my bright eyed little boy watch adoringly all those shows.

So, while her giving her the credit for the idea spark, I feel that I would be remiss if I didnt also share with you MY thoughts on these characters who entertain our kids...lucky you, right?

* Wiggles - Oh, the Wiggles. Ty loves them, as in, HE could have SO replaced Greg when he ducked out to enjoy an early retirement under the pretense of an illness (yeah, right..you are OLD and running around like that would make ANY adult exhausted!). Until fairly recently Ty thought that the color yellow, purple, blue and red were actually refered to as "Greg", "Jeff", "AnFonny" and "Murray". Another thought, their kids must be felt for..I mean, when you are 4 its COOL that your dad is a Wiggle...when you are 14, not so much. Oh..and they sing about the most RANDOM stuff. I wonder how many two year olds can honestly say, like Ty has on many occasions, "I LOVE ATHENS..OPA!"

*Dora. Okay. That chic needs to be slapped. Why does she feel the need to yell at me so much? And, she has no patience. "SAY WISH! SAYITSAYITSAYIT!" The repetition thing is its only catagory of annoying, and I try not to be insulted at her assumption that I dont remember the last review (30 seconds ago) she yelled at me. Of course I remember..I was traumatized!

*The Doodlebops. I often wonder how Rooney, Moe and DeeDee (or as I refer to them, Cyanosis, Jaundice, and Hot Flash) can play those instruments with those huge fingers. AND..is a "keytair" an ACTUAL instrument, or are we just expected to believe that it is?

*Little Einstines - where are those kids' parents? I dont know that I would want my kids galavanting all over the universe exploring and solving peoples problems in a rocket I am SURE hasnt EVER been serviced! ..even if they DO listen to great music and have an unatural appreciation of art. :)

*Wonder Pets - makes you wonder if your pet is a superhero whenever you turn your back doesnt it? Dont say you havent thought of it...:) I can say that MingMing has made me consider the possiblity of ONLY singing everything I say. It could be cool.

I'm just sayin'.


Amy said...

Ok, you have gone too far with Dora! Bella will come after you for that one! :) She is a "Ra-ra" fanatic! And I so love Wonderpets. Higglytown Heroes and especially Little Einstein's has GOT TO GO! I am tired of those guys! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...you crack me up!!!! Especially with Cyanosis, Jaundice and my fave -- Hot Flash. I couldn't watch the show. They scared me in the first 2 seconds. A keytar is an actually instrument. Go watch an 80s Prince video -- party like it's 1999.

I can't believe you bashed the Wiggles. I'm divorcing my husband to Marry Murray. The husband understands.

In my house -- it's Spongebob. That would be the husband's doing. He's a big kid at heart.

Courtney said...

Oh, girl..no intention to bash the Wiggles..only bring to light some points to ponder. Those guys have bought me LOTS of "get things done" time. I wouldnt dream of insulting them..okay, the stab at Gregs "condition" may have been going too far..I take that one back :)