Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A musing...

So, I am realizing something as of late that I think I should really share...this is for all of us SHAMs who are SO lucky that we get to be with our kids all day long! ..even when that doesnt feel like a good thing :)

I have two, beautiful "all boy" boys. They truly are firmly committed to the task of being a toddler and a speed "cruiser". I have to say, due to these precious blessings, it is an extreme effort every day to keep the living room and kitchen in some kind of order. MOST often, I work all day doing the same thing OVER and OVER, and OVER with nothing tangible to show for it when I drop into bed exhausted at night. So often the TO DO list does not get shorter, the list of failures in achieving gets longer, and my overall sense of having it together fades into an overwhelming sense of being incapable for this monumental task.

I have asked God for so many different things related to this dilemna. Requests have ranged from "give me more energy," to "let them take just ONE nap at the same time!", to "give me more patience", to "please turn me into one of those crazy moms who HAVE to stay up all night to get the house clean!" Lately, though, I have added "please decide FOR me what the priorities are, and you set my daily to do list.."

I think its because of that prayer that I have really felt knocked over the head with HOW important sitting down with kids and focusing on them is. I think being home all day makes me feel on some level that I am here, they are here, we are here together so the need is met...right?

Actually..not so much.

I have been making a real effort to give each my kids a focused amount of time each day...its different for both of them, and sometimes I have to set the timer for our play time because I have so much going on always pays off. In the end, I feel like I HAVE done the most important thing of the day. Not having the house clean, or the laundry done, but having savored a moment with these little people in my life who are growing so fast!


Penny Kendall Photography said...

These priorities don't change when your 'baby' is a 14 yr old young lady. Thanks for the reminder.

Penny Kendall Photography said...

Oh, I love the photo ... two of my favorite people