Thursday, August 23, 2007

On my own...

So, Adrian is off to the races! He is at Bristol Motor Speedway with a group of guys from church. This is their annual trip and he looks forward to it ALL year long. I am excited for him..but dreading being alone with the kids for 4 days!

Most days I look forward to a relief (of sorts) when he wakes up at 4pm, then we can tackle the bedtime routine as a team for the evening. I am not looking forward to no weekend naps, and no "teaming" up. Oh well..

I am trying to NOT feel sorry for myself, as many of my sweet friends do this ALL the time and usually weeks at a time. Living in an Air Force town, I know lots of girls who are often on their own to deal with lifes many obstacles AND the kids :)

So, no complaining. AND..I might even find some time to scrapbook after the kiddos go to bed :)


hockeygirl said...

What do you mean by "when Adrian wakes up at 4pm"? Does he work at night??

Courtney said...

yes - he works the midnight to 8am shift! Has for going on 4 years now. We dont love it, but you do whatcha gotta do right? :)