Monday, October 15, 2007

Parenting Class

Adrian and I had the blessing of being at a parenting class, lead by a sweet friend of ours, this last week. She has successfully raised a daughter, with creative methods and with a focus on Godly instruction. She had shared some of those methods with us personally, and wanted to share them with other parents as well. We had about 6 couples there or otherwise represented by half of themselves being present :) We all learned alot, and have gotten some great ideas.

We have had a time with Ty. He is, as they say, "all boy". He is the tumblin' ist, busiest, active-ist, rowdiest little rootin' tootin' kid ever! Not really..I mean, I am sure there have been kids that are busier,, and rowdier than he. BUT..he still gives us a run for our money with his stubborn and strong will streaks.

He is still precious in spite of himself, however, and we have not given up on him COMPLETELY (though Adrian does suggest that we sell him on ebay and try again for a "better one"). So, for his own safety, we enlisted the advise of parents and those who have been there done that.

Mary (our parenting class leader), suggested some great methods for disciplining that discouraged yelling or beating :) Also, she really stressed to us an important point...

She said that "God MUST be bigger than YOU". Because, we are fallible, but God is not. We may do the wrong thing, or make the wrong rule sometimes, but GOD never does. I liked that.

Ty does have a tender spirit, and it seems that between us and bible class, he has a sense of God and that we need to seek to please him. He also knows that he loves mommy, daddy and Canon. We have been able to really talk alot about how obeying is linked to loving mommy/daddy and God.

Its amazing to me that this little person does understand these concepts, but he does. we head into another week, armed with some insight into how important our role is, how we are to guide them not only to good behavior but to the Lord in the process, and while we pray for patience to keep our focus, I am praying for all of you who are in the same boat!

Our role is SO important, and these moments so precious.

1 comment:

Penny Kendall Photography said...

Have I told you lately how proud I am of you??? mom