Monday, September 24, 2007

King of the Slide

I've got another climber!

He isnt walking full speed yet, but he is sure climbing without much difficulty!

Canon can get to the high places, stands up to celebrate, then panics because he has no idea how to get He is so cute, and so proud of himself.

I thought I couldn't possibly make more than one ridiculously cute little boy...I was so wrong :)

He has starting using sign language, with a mastery of the sign "all-done". The kicker is when he says, "a-da" to go with it. He says "hot" too, every morning when he tries to touch my coffee cup.

So cute.

Today, I am so thankful that I have two beautiful, healthy baby boys. Remember to thank God for yours too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thankful mine!!! I'm thankful for yours to. : ) I miss those sweet little things. Give em kisses foe me. Love you, AC